


After Corsica and another beautiful day in Nice, it was another step closer to Zambia. First, though, a couple of busy days in Paris. Not much here to say or show (you seen enough photos of Paris, anyway), except that we lucked out on hotels. We stayed at the Axial-Beaubourg (www.axialbeaubourg.com), a reasonably priced Marais district boutique hotel that is featured in the June '02 issue of "Travel and Leisure" magazine. Special thanks to receptionis Elisabeth Favre (who's also pictured in "T&L" -- we gave her our copy of the mag so she could give it to her mother), for being so incredibly helpful with all our extra luggage and arranging our taxis!

Our early evening flight from Nice to Paris' Orly Airport took us over the French Alps at sunset.....

We suppose that the passengers around us on the flight probably thought (rightfully so) that Tim was a freak for taking so many photos from the plane.

Paul in front of the arch on the grounds of the Louvre that commemorates Napoleon's campaigns.

More of that arch...and of Paulito.

Paul at the Place de la Concorde (where Marie Antoinette met her end), with the Place's Egyptian obelisk and the Arc de Triomphe in the background.

That Dionne guy with the Eiffel Tour. That's all of Paris, folks. We had fun. We love France!

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